+----------------+ PNG

 +----------------+      +----------------+      +---------------+
 |   虚拟机 (VM)   | ---> |   池管理器     | ---> |   外部内存    |
 |  (Guest OS)     |      |   (Pool Manager)|      |  控制器 (EMC)  |
 +----------------+      +----------------+      +---------------+
                                   |                |        |        |
                                   |                |        |         FreePNG

+----------------+ PNG 集合

 +----------------+      +----------------+      +---------------+
 |   虚拟机 (VM)   | ---> |   池管理器     | ---> |   外部内存    |
 |  (Guest OS)     |      |   (Pool Manager)|      |  控制器 (EMC)  |
 +----------------+      +----------------+      +---------------+
                                   |                |        |        |
                                   |                |        |         FreePNG

+----------------+ +----------------+ +---------------+ | 虚拟机 (VM) | ---> | 池管理器 | ---> | 外部内存 | | (Guest OS) | | (Pool Manager)| | 控制器 (EMC) | +----------------+ +----------------+ +---------------+ | | | | | | | PNG

  ----------------        ----------------        ---------------  |   虚拟机 (VM)   | ---> |   池管理器     | ---> |   外部内存    | |  (Guest OS)     |      |   (Pool Manager)|      |  控制器 (EMC)  |  ----------------        ----------------        ---------------                                    |                |        |        |                                   |                |        | FreePNG

---------------- ---------------- --------------- | 虚拟机 (VM) | ---> | 池管理器 | ---> | 外部内存 | | (Guest OS) | | (Pool Manager)| | 控制器 (EMC) | ---------------- ---------------- --------------- | | | | | | | PNG

  ----------------        ----------------        ---------------  |   虚拟机 (VM)   | ---> |   池管理器     | ---> |   外部内存    | |  (Guest OS)     |      |   (Pool Manager)|      |  控制器 (EMC)  |  ----------------        ----------------        ---------------                                    |                |        |        |                                   |                |        | FreePNG

---------------- ---------------- --------------- | 虚拟机 (VM) | ---> | 池管理器 | ---> | 外部内存 | | (Guest OS) | | (Pool Manager)| | 控制器 (EMC) | ---------------- ---------------- --------------- | | | | | | | PNG

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from graphviz import Digraph

def create_flowchart():
    # Initialize the diagram
    diagram = Digraph("MedicalStudyFlow", format="png")
    # Initial node
    diagram.node("start", "Départ: 787 patients (H/F)")
    # No refusals
    diagram.node("no_refusal", "Aucun refus de participation (0)")
    diagram.edge("start", "no_refusal")

    # Exclusions
    diagram.node("exclusion1", "5 FreePNG

from graphviz import Digraph def create_flowchart(): # Initialize the diagram diagram = Digraph("MedicalStudyFlow", format="png") # Initial node diagram.node("start", "Départ: 787 patients (H/F)") # No refusals diagram.node("no_refusal", "Aucun refus de participation (0)") diagram.edge("start", "no_refusal") # Exclusions diagram.node("exclusion1", "5 PNG